Plastics Live 2027 | Coventry Building Society Arena, Coventry, UK | June 2027

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Plastics Live 2027 | Coventry Building Society Arena, Coventry, UK | June 2027

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Next Generation Commodity Plastics – Conference

June 13th, Plastics Live - Coventry

What is involved?

The traditional plastics industry uses fossil-based carbon polymers in the majority (97%) of its production and conversion processes. As we move to a less fossil-based world we must also look to new feedstocks other than virgin oil and gas for most of our polymer manufactured products.

Plastics Live is delighted to support and host the Innovate UK’s Circular Plastics Network as it holds a full day’s conference stream at our event in Coventry this year that will look to the future for polymer sources and solutions to transitioning to a new bio-economy for plastics.

Sessions will include speakers on the following content:

Recycled polymer sources
Plant-based traditional polymer replacements.
Plastics and plastic-like materials from the bioeconomy
Green chemistry for polymers of the future
Emerging business models to fit the transition to alternative polymers
The role of additives in bio-plastics

The conference is free to attend, so please register today to ensure you secure your place at this event. Conference delegates will have the chance to visit exhibitors plus engage in networking opportunities.

SESSION 1Available recyclate and novel feedstocks that fit current plastics processing infrastructureChaired by: Rajesh Mistry (Innovate UK Business Connect)
10:00 - 10:15Where are we now

Recycled and low carbon sustainable polymers
Dan Jarvis, Plastribution
10:15 - 10:30Novel solutions - new polymers

Scaling transitional materials
John Williams, Aquapak
10:30 – 10.45Thermoforming grades of a truly sustainable alternative to fossil based plasticsStephen Rundle, Solinatra
10:45 - 11:00Additives

Sustainable additives for your sustainable polymers
Sarah Lightowler, Cargill
11:00 - 11:30BREAK
SESSION 2What are the transitional materials we will be adopting in 5yrs time?Chaired by: Nick Cliffe
11:30 - 11:45Supporting innovation in material properties and scaling - the SSPP challengeGeraldine Mateu, Innovate UK
11:45 - 12:00Scaling bio sourced polymer materials with valuable properties.Paul Mines, Biome Bioplastics
12:00 - 12:15Biopolymers and bio composties - replacing conventional materialsMorwenna Spear, Biocomposties Centre - Bangor University
12:15 - 12:30Plastic free drop in solutions for polymer coatingsJames Ravenscroft,
12:30 - 13:30LUNCH
SESSION 3What will usiness models, legislation and end of life for transitional materials look like?Chaired by: Denise Goldsmith
13:30 - 13:50A new paradigm, new materials and new business modelsRichard Lambert, Braskem
13:50 - 14:05Real -life compostingTom Mockridge, Recorra
14:05 - 14:15Labelling and communicationAdam Herriott, WRAP
14:15 - 14.30Legislation and infrastructure

Composting infrastructure at scale
Gary Tee, TIPA Compostable Packaging
14:30 - 15:00How do we set the field for successful transition - Panel and Q&ANick Cliffe
Meet the speakers
Interested in speaking at Plastics Live?